
Tea Time with Bri

  Hello everyone! It's been awhile and we do have recipes to share, but we don't have it typed and ready yet. In the meantime, I decided to do a quick post on my current favorite tea blend!   Lately I've been really getting into hints of fruity black teas alongside the blackest teas I have... My tea collection is a bit excessive from multiple different makers. This particular blend includes teas from Harney & Sons (Darjeeling, Midsummer's Peach), Fortnum & Mason (Breakfast Blend), and Lisa's Tea Treasures (Royal Wedding). 1-2 tsp Breakfast Blend 1 tsp Darjeeling 1/2 tsp Midsummer's Peach 1/2 tsp Royal Wedding Typically, steeping black teas takes about 5 minutes. However, I'm a hardcore tea drinker and I require a much stronger brew. 10 minutes steeping minimum, 15 minutes is usually what I go for.   The result: A mildly fruity, strong dark tea in a strongly worded grammar-rule mug (with a dash of milk).  Happy tea-drinking!

Tomato Basil Soup

Hey all! Bri here sharing the first recipe of the blog! This recipe was given to me by my mom, but I definitely made some alterations ;) Ingredients 5 med/large heirloom tomatoes (1.5 lbs) boiled and peeled 5 green onions coarsely chopped 13 garlic cloves 1/4 cup fresh basil finely chopped 1/4 cup unsalted butter 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp garam masala 2 cups vegetable stock (original recipe at the bottom) *** Peeling the tomatoes: Boil the tomatoes for about 4-5 minutes. Remove them from the pot and set them aside to cool. Once you can reasonably handle them (don't burn your fingers!), peel the skin off and slice them into quarters. Preparing everything else: Chop up the fresh basil. Don't worry about cutting finesse for these ingredients at this stage because everything will be blended together at the end. You may notice that my 1/4 cup of basil is rather full... I think it technically came to 2/3 cup. W


This is the first blog from Bri & Dan! We are figuring out how to cook delicious things one meal at a time, and typically it's with whatever is left in the fridge. You'll probably notice that there are some things that we love to use (like Szechuan spice... mmm...) and those things will show up frequently in our creations. Feel free to try any of these at home, and let us know how it went! If you made any changes, improvements, or ended up with a different dish entirely, we want to know about it, because: Daniel is going to come up with a taste/healthiness/affordability rating (soon to be put together), and Briana is in charge of photography and recording ingredient usage. Together we will make food worth eating!