
Showing posts from February, 2018

Tea Time with Bri

  Hello everyone! It's been awhile and we do have recipes to share, but we don't have it typed and ready yet. In the meantime, I decided to do a quick post on my current favorite tea blend!   Lately I've been really getting into hints of fruity black teas alongside the blackest teas I have... My tea collection is a bit excessive from multiple different makers. This particular blend includes teas from Harney & Sons (Darjeeling, Midsummer's Peach), Fortnum & Mason (Breakfast Blend), and Lisa's Tea Treasures (Royal Wedding). 1-2 tsp Breakfast Blend 1 tsp Darjeeling 1/2 tsp Midsummer's Peach 1/2 tsp Royal Wedding Typically, steeping black teas takes about 5 minutes. However, I'm a hardcore tea drinker and I require a much stronger brew. 10 minutes steeping minimum, 15 minutes is usually what I go for.   The result: A mildly fruity, strong dark tea in a strongly worded grammar-rule mug (with a dash of milk).  Happy tea-drinking!