Tea Time with Bri

  Hello everyone! It's been awhile and we do have recipes to share, but we don't have it typed and ready yet. In the meantime, I decided to do a quick post on my current favorite tea blend!
  Lately I've been really getting into hints of fruity black teas alongside the blackest teas I have... My tea collection is a bit excessive from multiple different makers. This particular blend includes teas from Harney & Sons (Darjeeling, Midsummer's Peach), Fortnum & Mason (Breakfast Blend), and Lisa's Tea Treasures (Royal Wedding).
  • 1-2 tsp Breakfast Blend
  • 1 tsp Darjeeling
  • 1/2 tsp Midsummer's Peach
  • 1/2 tsp Royal Wedding
Typically, steeping black teas takes about 5 minutes. However, I'm a hardcore tea drinker and I require a much stronger brew. 10 minutes steeping minimum, 15 minutes is usually what I go for.

  The result: A mildly fruity, strong dark tea in a strongly worded grammar-rule mug (with a dash of milk). 
Happy tea-drinking!


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