Tomato Basil Soup

Hey all! Bri here sharing the first recipe of the blog!
This recipe was given to me by my mom, but I definitely made some alterations ;)

5 med/large heirloom tomatoes (1.5 lbs) boiled and peeled
5 green onions coarsely chopped
13 garlic cloves
1/4 cup fresh basil finely chopped
1/4 cup unsalted butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp garam masala
2 cups vegetable stock
(original recipe at the bottom)
Peeling the tomatoes:
Boil the tomatoes for about 4-5 minutes. Remove them from the pot and set them aside to cool. Once you can reasonably handle them (don't burn your fingers!), peel the skin off and slice them into quarters.

Preparing everything else:
Chop up the fresh basil. Don't worry about cutting finesse for these ingredients at this stage because everything will be blended together at the end. You may notice that my 1/4 cup of basil is rather full... I think it technically came to 2/3 cup. We happened to have a lot of basil on hand, so I was hoping to use up what we had. Also, we frickin' love basil.

Same rule applies for the green onions. Chop them up all the way down to the bulb. The bulb is totally delicious.

For garlic, I just kept peeling cloves until I felt like I had enough. We love garlic more than we love basil, so I went heavier on the garlic factor. I'm sure 5 cloves of a decent size would do, but 13 cloves tastes so much better.

Once you have the basil, garlic and green onions prepared, toss them into a big sauce pan (mine is 14") and sautée with butter over medium heat.

After it starts to smell amazing (about 1-2 minutes), add the spices (salt, black pepper, sugar, cumin, and garam masala) and mix it together.

Next, add the tomatoes to the pan. Now, I'm not one to pass on tomato juice, so as the tomatoes sat on the plate and their juices pooled underneath them... I just added that juice to the pan, too. To be clear, it's really excess water from the boiling process, but it has tomato goodness infused!

Keeping the pan on medium heat, add the vegetable stock, cover the pan, and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes. It will eventually look like this:

Turn off the heat and relocate the contents to a food processor or blender. If you use a food processor, you may have to do it a few cups at a time so as not to overflow it. I used a blender that had the capacity to hold all of the soup.

The total amount of time it blended for was about 1.5 minutes on high. Depending on how chunky you like your soup, you can blend for more or less time.

Once the soup is at the right consistency, store it in heat-friendly containers, or eat it right away! This recipe makes about 40 oz of soup, so you can share it with some friends (about 3-4 friends, not including yourself), or keep it for yourself and enjoy it for multiple meals!

We paired the soup with Trader Joe's cheesy breadsticks. It's a good combo. You should try it.

Thanks for checking out our recipe! If you try it, leave a comment on how it went; Did you change anything? Did you find something to add that's a total game changer? Let us know!

Until next time :)
- Bri


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